
Almost 4,000 Care Vacancies in Hampshire



The most recent statistics released by the charity Skills for Care show that there are around 4,000 vacancies in the care sector. 

In research from 2021/2022, it showed there are 40,000 posts in Hampshire, but only 36,000 of these are filled. This is an increase from the previous year which had 25% fewer vacancies. 

The most common reason for the high volume of vacancies is due to low pay, high workload and burnout from heavy workloads.

Emma, a senior carer at Caremark, is a mobile carer around Winchester and Eastleigh who mainly works morning shifts, visiting several different clients with different needs.

She said: “Some just want companionship, company and emotional support. Other needs are far greater depending on their disability. It’s the emotional support, the mental support, and obviously the physical needs as well.” 

When asked what the hardest part of her job was, Emma said: “The hardest part is seeing the deterioration after a fall or having a stroke or just having their health deteriorate as they get older.”

In comparison to the best bit about her job, which she said: “The most rewarding part is keeping people in their own home for as long as we possibly can, and seeing the happy face that they have when they see us arrive, the familiar face because we’re only a small team of carers, they’re familiar with us all. They get a rota every week so they know who’s coming and a time that suits them for their routine. It’s just a feeling of contentment at the end of the day”. 


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