Winchester News Online

One in six children in Hampshire finish primary school obese



One in six children in Hampshire leave primary school obese, according to new figures.

New NHS digital figures show that 16% of Year 6 pupils in Hampshire in 2019- 2020 were obese.

About 3% of the 16% were severely obese, with a body mass index (BMI) in the top 0.4% for a child’s age and sex and an additional 13% of children were overweight meaning that 30% of Hampshire’s children are an unhealthy weight when they finish primary school.

The data comes from the government’s annual National Child Measurement Programme that measures the height and weight of children in Reception class (aged four and five) and Year 6 (aged 10 to 11) in state-maintained schools across England to assess overweight and obesity levels in children within primary schools.

Obesity Health Alliance Lead, Caroline Cerny told Winol: “Every child has the right to grow up healthy, but this data shows the stark reality is that children are being overwhelmed by a flood of unhealthy food in our environment.

“The number of children with a weight classified as severely obese is at an all-time high and this will be damaging their health now and in the future. This is a problem that can be fixed with bold and comprehensive action from our politicians who have the power to shape the environment our children are growing up in.

“It’s time for the government to bring in the measures that we know will stem the tide of unhealthy food marketing and promotions.”

The government programme revealed that 27.5% of 10 and 11 year old children living in the most deprived ares of England were obese compared to 11.9% of those living in the least deprived areas.

Among reception-age children, 13% in the most deprived areas were obese compared to 6% in the least deprived.

Across England, obesity among Reception and Year 6 pupils rose to 9.9% and 21% from 2019 to 2020.


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