
Unison Strike Action



On Tuesday 3rd October, Unison staff and supporters were back on the picket line for the second time in as many days. The Unison members, located outside the University of Winchester, waved flags and held up banners throughout this morning and afternoon. This is a part of an ongoing dispute over pay and conditions towards university staff.

University staff, including lecturers, support staff, and other personnel have faced many challenges in recent years, and grappling with what they believe to be an unfair pay, with the cost-of-living crisis in Winchester, has called Unison members to action.

Work-Place Representative for Unison, Rory Elliot explained that it has been, “over a decade since they have had a pay rise in line with inflation,” and that this is a “national dispute.”

Unison members believe that enough is enough, Louise Barter was on the picket line and said, “these events, are always a last resort, and we only ballot our members for industrial action when we really have exhausted the normal route.”

The members of the picket line were getting the attention they were looking for with many cars sounding their horns and pedestrians were taking leaflets.

University staff have seen an increased pay offer this year, which is a step in the right direction for unison members. However, Southeast Unison organiser, Patrick Young still believes that, “the members here are taken for granted.”

More protests will continue throughout the country this week, and Unison will continue to attract attention whilst they fight for the higher pay, they think they deserve.


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